What is a Christian Learning Center?
The intention of the Center is to enrich the high school student's curriculum by offering courses and seminars to enable the student to approach the crucial decision-making years of his or her life with an added dimension not available in public institutions. The Center will teach biblical and life skills courses as electives to Habersham high school students during each regular school day.
What does the Center offer?
HCLC offers religious education of the highest quality within the school day to high school students. It offers courses and lessons for moral growth, long-term decision making, understanding of self and others, and handling of problems. Weekday religious education emphasizes that religion has a valid claim on the entire life of children, equal to that of science, literature, math, or any other secular subject. It witnesses to the community that Christian education is an indispensable part of the entire education process. HCLC offers courses which teach those principles of Christianity held in common by the major denominations as truth, and seeks to influence problems of behavior, commitment, and ideals as taught by the Christian faith. Click here for more information on course offerings.
Where is HCLC located and why?
HCLC is located just off the perimeter of Habersham Central's campus. It is not on school or any tax supported property. Courses take place on land owned by the Habersham Christian Learning Center.
How is HCLC staffed?
The staff is chosen by a Board which is made up of volunteers from the Habersham community. The staff is made up of 1 Director/Teacher, 2 Teachers, and 1 Administrative Assistant. HCLC staff holds relevant degrees in the field of Christian education.
Is it denominational, and who can participate in programs?
Any Christian church may support the mission of HCLC. We are not affiliated with one particular denomination. Students of any church or no church are welcome. For more, visit What We Believe.
Where do the funds come from?
The operational funds come from churches, individuals, businesses, and United Way. These funds pay for all staff, office and educational supplies, equipment including the bus, the library, utilities, and insurance. Donations make the program possible as classes are free of charge to students.
How does the Center relate to the school system?
The academic standards for teachers and courses are as high as those within the school. The county school board gives credit for courses passed. The only thing HCLC shares with the school system is students. Curriculum and subject matter are determined by the HCLC Board, staff, and students. No school funds are used to pay for HCLC.
How does the Center relate to local churches?
The Center is an effective means of carrying out the mission of the Church. HCLC provides quality religious education to unchurched students and members of churches an hour each day, 5 days a week at the time and place students are conditioned to work at learning, a time when churches cannot work with them. HCLC encourages students to connect with local churches, and many local churches keep us funded.
Why should I support HCLC?
Help growing numbers of young people to learn skills, ideas, and attitudes that will make them more responsible and conscientious members of the community. HCLC needs community donations to function, so giving is a clear way to show you value faith for young people.